Thursday, October 1, 2009

Final Assignment/Giving students your best

I expect my students to give their best. I want my students to see their potential everyday they walk in the classroom. One thing I do with my students is we have one on one meetings to see how they can improve. I explain it takes so little to be above average. They just need to spend 5 more minutes, or read one more page each day, or ask one more question in order to be above average. I want them to see that each step will lead them to accomplish their very best. We look for best answers and I tell them I want their very best.

Each time I call on students to answer questions, I have students that always want to answer and they continue to raise their hand. I know that is intimidating to student on the point. I have the other students put their hands down and reassure the student that is trying to answer the question that I know they can do it. I then help guide them to the answer. Usually their is one student that wants to answer each time, and to keep from discouraging them, when the student answers correctly I will ask this student if they are correct.

I loved the section about learning not being an option. I have students retake quizzes or redo sections for mastery. Some students would rather take the lower grade than redo until they redo it successfully. We discuss how much better it feels to pass the test and learn the skill. Sometimes I let a student who is not as successful teach another student the concept. With a little pushing they both learn the skill and the student that is doing the teaching probably learned the most.

I also loved the idea of a victory list for students. We all have them.


  1. The fact that you meet with your students one on one to discuss their progress and goals is wonderful. I am sure that your students can see through that gesture that you genuinely care about their individual success, and it also allows you guage the learning needs and progress of your students. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I agree with your posting regarding students redoing/retaking tests and assignments for mastery. I also meet with my students one on one and keep a conferring notebook which helps us keep track of what we talked about and what goals we set. This gives the student a visual to look at when we meet. They also gives the students ownership of their education and they feel so important-which they should. Your post regarding allowing another student to peer tutor is great. I've found this to be an exception tool and both students receive something great from the endeavor.


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