Thursday, September 17, 2009

Covering Information

The "It's your turn" on page 42 deals with just "covering information". As a math teacher I often feel this way. Of course, depending upon the course I am teaching I have to cover information on the EOC test (or formally the Gateway). I felt like I was just pushing info down their throats at times to make sure they were exposed to it before the almighty test. This year I teach Geometry and it allows me to strive to get into the "meat" of our work. We delve into "why?????" so much more and I love it. I find myself incorporating more focus questions and also applying the content to everyday activities and answering the favorite teacher question "when will I ever use this???"


  1. It is so easy to "cram" information down their throats. The standards can make us feel like we have to keep trudging ahead regardless of whether the kids understand the material or not. I want my students to do more with less, but it is so tempting to keep moving ahead and not do the more engaging activities, when engagement is what we really want. I want them to understand the "why" of whatever we are doing.

  2. LeeAnn, I'm glad that you are getting the opportunity to go deeper into the content with your students. It's not always easy answering that "when will I ever use this" question. It sounds like you are enjoying the challenge!

  3. I totally agree with you, LeeAnn!! Math is most definitely one of the subjects that tends to get the "when will I ever use this" question. It is the same with Chemistry. It has been my goal to bring a sense of relevance to a subject that is really abstract for many students. I am glad to hear that you are enjoying teaching to the "why" and not just the "what", I think that your students will benefit from the deeper knowledge and understanding that you are striving to bring to them!!


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