Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Week 2

I really like playing tic-tac-toe with the students for vocabulary review. I divide the students into two teams. It works best in a class that has between 20-25 children. Each team has a captain, who is the only person I take answers from ( to discourage call-outs). The team must confer and give their answer to the captain. The part that the students really like is that they are the X's and O's. I use masking tape to set the board up on the floor of the classroom and when a team gets an answer right, one of the team members goes and stands as the letter on the board. The students are very competitive and enjoy playing.
The first time I played it this year in an inclusion class, an autistic student that normally wants to be left alone got right in the middle of the group and participated just like everyone else. My assistant and I looked at each other amazed at how he became a part of the team. It was great!


  1. The idea of this game sounds very interesting and fun for the students. What grade do you teach? I feel that my middle school students would definitely enjoy this game, but I am a little worried about the noise level. However, my students are very competitive and I feel that they would participate well especially for a prize - they love food!

  2. I teach seventh grade. It does have the potential to get loud, that's why I only take an answer from the captain. It discourages call-outs. The team must work together quietly or they lose their turn. It is funny to see the students that are on the board biting their tongue if they know an answer because I won't let them help the team once they are on the board. It really is fun.


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