Friday, September 18, 2009

Week 1

In response to It's Your Turn on pg 42, I find myself thinking that I tend to try to cover as much information as possible in the course of a semester. I would describe the state standards for a chemistry course "a mile wide and an inch deep." There is so much that needs to be covered, but the balance that I am trying to make is this - since everything in chemistry builds on the previous topic, how can I be sure that there is enough true understanding on a deep enough level to move on? It is completely obvious when a student doesn't understand the underlying concepts because it translates into not understanding the next topic, and the next, and so on.

1 comment:

  1. Week 1

    After reading the first few chapters, my thoughts keep going back my own beliefs that students will rise to the level you expect. Many parents want their students to make A's at the cost of knowledge. We think success is the grade not the knowledge. I want my students to learn the information. I don't want them to leave my class without the tools for furthering their education.


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