Monday, October 5, 2009
I look forward to blogging with you again.
Keep it rigorous!
Friday, October 2, 2009
Final Post
While on the subject of grades, I agree with Ms. Blackburn that the students should not just be assigned busy work and work that is graded for "completion" or "effort". While I believe that students need to be challenged with a rigorous amount of work, I do think that the work assigned must be emphasized as important to them and then followed up as important to us by taking the time to actually grade it. I know we all get overwhelmed by the sheer amount of time/effort it takes to grade a class set of papers, and the tendency is to give each paper a once over, and give a completion grade. I personally have done this and am trying to move away from assigning work that is essentially "completion". Chemistry takes a lot of practice and I am still trying to work my way out of grading for completion and not accuracy and understanding. I would enjoy the opinions of others on how they accomplish this.
Final Assignment
Complexity with Vocabulary. I take for granted words I assume a 5th grade student has been exposed to--I'm continuously amazed at words they have never heard or do not comprehend. It has been my goal for the last year to find ways to increase vocabulary--to simply find time to implement a plan of action to achieve this. I do not like memorize and regurgitate-that tells me they can memorize. I like the graphic organizer on pg 72 but have found one that flows better [Laura Candler's page on the web] and is continuous -this way I can use it in a center on a daily/weekly basis. This g. organizer will be kept in their reading folder to refer back to when writing so they can use these new words. Also, I plan on meeting with our literacy coach and have her help me implement/plan how to utilize this center and use it on a daily/weekly basis. I hope to have this in place when the students return from fall break. I already have a daily vocabulary center set up and the pages laminated thanks to a parent helper this week. Now I begin the planning and implementing and I'm very excited. I want to use terms from all subjects in addition to other words a 5th grade student should be familiar .
Another idea I would like to try is Complexity in Review Games. I already implement Jeopardy as a review, and I'm working on higher order thinking questions to implement into the review. In addition, I am working on incorporating our own version of Are you Smarter than a 5th grader. I hope our principal will volunteer to come in a review with us when I have this in place. I also have a parent/other teacher volunteer form I will be sending out. Also, I want the students to have ownership of their review so I am allowing them to search and compile their own questions for review. This is mentioned on pg 76 and I think the students will enjoy hearing their questions read.
Lastly, The graphic organizer for math word problems in Chapter 5, pg 83 looks like something I will try. We complete a daily word problem at the beginning of math instruction. I always have them write what they know and what they need to find out on their paper-but they still struggle. Perhaps this graphic organizer will assist them in their quest for the answer. Also, this will give them practice in writing as they are required to write a sentence explaining the solution. Orchard is set up this way and they struggled with the benchmark as they had to explain why they chose an answer or how they came up with the answer. Even if they arrived at the right answer, many could not tell me how. I think this organizer will be a great tool.
In addition, I have high expectations for all my students, regardless of previous academic history. If I know a student can perform at a certain level, and they don't, I have a one on one conference with them where we discuss study habits, always doing our best on every assignment and then we set goals on how to succeed. Lastly, they are required to redo/rework or retake the assignment. Further, some students are required to research and write a report on a social studies or science topic to help them understand the topic better and receive points on their grade. This allows them to demonstrate mastery in a different way. All math errors are corrected. This lets them see their mistakes and learn from them. I also utilize small groups across the curriculum. This allows all students to receive the support they need at all times within all subjects. Granted, by the end of the day I'm worn out because I've met 20 times with small groups-but it is a good worn out feeling.
My students feel comfortable answering questions even whey they aren't 100% positive about the answer because all responses are considered "stepping stones" to the correct answer. If they are completely stumped they have "life lines". They can phone a friend, look in a book or receive a teacher prompt. This has increased student participation as they know they will receive assistance if needed and not feel embarrassed about not answering correctly.
I also share my failures as an adult and as a student. This lets the students understand that we don't always make that A-but it is o.k. as long as we are always doing our best. I tell my students they all have the potential to be top students and we set goals on how to reach the top and succeed.
I do not allow incompletes or F's on any assignments or tests. There are consequences in place until all work is turned in and all concepts are mastered. They know and understand this from day one and this sets the tone throughout the school year. It also cuts down on being "lazy" with work.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Final Assignment/ 3 strategies
and CFOs all have one thing in common. It is a strong vocabulary. I have used a variety of techniques to enhance the student's knowledge. Looking at the Riddles graphic organizer, I know my students would enjoy this activity. The love laughing. I also think using the question starters would help students. I could see using this with vocabulary as well as during a novel study.
I also liked the activity on page 69. It was short and with a new novel might help engage the students. Using it as a springboard and helping students to peek their interest.
I look forward to trying these activities as well as several others that are used in this book.
Final Assignment/Giving students your best
Each time I call on students to answer questions, I have students that always want to answer and they continue to raise their hand. I know that is intimidating to student on the point. I have the other students put their hands down and reassure the student that is trying to answer the question that I know they can do it. I then help guide them to the answer. Usually their is one student that wants to answer each time, and to keep from discouraging them, when the student answers correctly I will ask this student if they are correct.
I loved the section about learning not being an option. I have students retake quizzes or redo sections for mastery. Some students would rather take the lower grade than redo until they redo it successfully. We discuss how much better it feels to pass the test and learn the skill. Sometimes I let a student who is not as successful teach another student the concept. With a little pushing they both learn the skill and the student that is doing the teaching probably learned the most.
I also loved the idea of a victory list for students. We all have them.
Final Blog
Final Discussion
I put this quote on my registration welcome letter. I believe in the power of failure and the wonderful things it leads us to in life. I make sure my students understand that it is okay to make mistakes as long as we learn from them and don't make the same mistakes over and over. Often my students don't have much experience with this. They are only 8 and many come from families that do not allow them to fail. Since I do feel so strongly about this, it is imperative that I allow my students ample opportunities to use their failures to grow. I let students "check" their own work so they can get immediate feedback. If we don't, most will only look at the final grade and never look at what they missed or give a second thought to what the right answer is. I always go back over it and check it myself after they "check it". I do allow them to correct their tests sometimes for 1/2 credit. It depends on the circumstances. I really like some aspects of the graphic organizer on p142. I like having the students think about why they missed a question. I might change or leave out some of the choices just because I know some of my students will choose things like "I thought it was right" or "I studied but I forgot" without really thinking. I am going to give this a little more thought and implement it somehow at least on an occassional basis.
After 13 years of teaching, I am sick and tired of "I don't get it." Before I read the book, I decided and announced to my class that they were not allowed to say this. They could say things like "I don't know this particular word in the direction" or "I am having trouble with the second step" or something that is specific to what they "don't get". I try to encourage them to be problem solvers and independent thinkers. Usually the ones who say this the most are those that are working on a higher level, and I've given something more challenging and thought provoking to them. When the answer doesn't come immediately, they come running to me for the answer.
My parents don't always agree with some of my philosophies. I have three children of my own, and I try to teach them the way I want my children to be taught. The ultimate goal is for them to be independent, responsible, problem solvers that welcome challenges, can fuction with a little failure now and then and ultimately become stronger and wiser.
Last post
I do offer encouragement by smiling and nodding, making positive remarks, and writing positive remarks on their papers. I even use stickers. I often remind the students that I am available for extra help particularly before or after school, thus offering support and time.
A specific idea I would like to try is exploring points of view through the "Two Voices" poems. I often have students write poems anyway, and this assignment would work with many works of literature that contain characters with contrasting viewpoints. A good example would be Brutus and Cassius (in Julius Caesar) in their attitudes toward Caesar. The foils Finny and Gene in A Separate Peace are other examples.
I model instructional behaviors. For example, when students write, many times I write as well. I like the modeling ideas of "What to Do When You Don't Know a Vocabulary Word." The suggestions listed on that chart would make a good poster for the classroom. It will take discipline on my part not to reel off a definition when someone asks for one. They really do need to do this for themselves.
Another idea I like is the "Think-Pair-Share" method of asking questions.
I will continue to minimize negative aspects of grading , paradoxically, by taking many formative grades so that one or two grades do not generally wreck a cumulative grade.
I will repeat this mantra--success leads to confidence leads to more success leads to more confidence. . . .
Final Post
Question #3 I think creating a poster like the one on page 127 would be a great exercise to do with my students at the beginning of the school year. Some words/phrases I would like to exclude from my classroom are "I can't." "This is too hard." "Ugggghhhh." "I hate school." "I hate math, etc." Things I would like to include are : 1. give praise to at least 3 other classmates today. 2. "I can do this." 3. "I will try my best." 4. " I will use my resources first before asking for help."
Final Assignment
Final Blog Thoughts
In looking at Popham's levels I fall somewhere between level 2 and 3. We use formative assessments in my class quite often. At the beginning of each semester my students take a MI survey so that I can find out their learning styles and they can realize where their strengths lie.
I also do a good bit of controlled floundering especially at the beginning of new units to review what we already know and to discover what we need to focus our efforts on during the course of the unit. I admit most of my formative assessing comes more in the form of pre-assessment and I still use traditional summative techniques; however, my classroom dynamics have changed because of the use of these formative techniques, and I think for the better.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Complexity with Vocabulary on page 71. I remember when I was in school how difficult it was for me to memorize my vocabulary words. I hated it. I try so hard to make it fun with my students and my own children at home. With 1st graders, it seems that the children do not get talked to as much as in the past. I don't feel that there are family discussions like their used to be. Therefore, students do not get the understanding of words like we did when we were growing up. When I say a vocabulary word and get a funny look then I know it is time to have a discussion. I say the word and then ask the students what they think the word means. Then I use it in a sentence and ask again. I keep giving clues until someone understands what it means. Then as a whole class we repeat the meaning. I then have different students use the word in another sentence until we all understand the meaning. Later we might go to our seats and write the words and draw pictures to help us remember what the word means to us. I try to have the students relate the word to their personal self. We also write sentences using the words. We will sometimes read our sentences out loud to help another student who is having trouble understanding. I do this weekly with all the new vocabulary words in reading as well as in science and social studies. When in reading groups, some of the words might be difficult to sound out. When the student finishes reading, I ask the group what they thought a certain word meant in the story. That is another way of helping with vocabulary. It is not just about vocabulary, there are others areas where you need to help students understand meanings.
I use graphic organizers with the 1st grade. Ours are much simpler than upper grades, but it helps the students to see that there can be many ways to understand things.
In chapter 7, I use encouragement, always expect the best out each and everyone of my students, support them, and give them the time needed to help them succeed. I call them to my desk or walk over to their desk to give extra help. If I call on a student to answer a question and he/she is having trouble, instead of calling on another student, I give little clues or hints to the answer. If we are reading orally, I help the student sound the words out or we, as a group, read the words together first. It helps the slower student feel more accomplished. I believe that there is a way to show all students how to succeed and make them feel proud of themselves and their accomplishments. I use a lot of Dr. Jean's positive rewards and sayings, ie. kiss your brain, put a gold star on your head, etc. I teach 1st grade and that works with the younger students. They would do anything for a class cheer or to be recognized. In quantum learning they teach you that you can accomplish anything. I teach my students that we can make our
brains grow with all the knowledge that we put into it. At the end of the day, we recap what we learned. We evaluate how much our brains grew for that day. The children get so excited, thinking that they will be smarter than other students.
When grading papers, if a student did poorly, they obviously did not understand the assignment. Instead of giving a bad grade and being upset with that student for not trying, I call them over to my desk, we discuss what happened, and I give the student another chance to fix the work. I don't like giving grades to the younger students, however it is required. I try to make it less painful for a student who has a lot of difficulty learning. We work together and go over and over the material to help then student succeed.
Final Blog
Three specific strategies that I plan to implement over the next three weeks include: the question matrix utilizing a chunking strategy, complexity with vocabulary, and complexity through projects. The first activity I have completed in class with the novel "Danny, Champion of the World". I was able to chunk this activity which made it much more doable in the classroom. the first chunk of the activity required that students randomly selected six questions from the question matrix. (I used baggies for this). They were to complete this chunk as an individual. The students were to write six questions that reflected anything we had read in the book. In this level I gave them 15 minutes. The next chunk required the students to practice each of the six questions within their groups. Students could then practice and rewrite any questions that may have been unclear. The final chunk required the student to present questions to the class. Each student was required to present at least 3 questions. This activity took about two days to complete. The students just loved this!!! The next strategy I plan to implement is complexity with vocabulary. The next novel my sixth grade class will be reading is "The Devil's Arithmetic". I have decided to have the students build a yiddish word journal. This will include an entry page for each yiddish word or phrase. The entry page will have a place for the definition, a sentence, and related words. Students will make a visit to the computer labe where they can here the terms pronounced. The third strategy will include complexity through projects. This strategy will involve the use of reflection journals the students respond to events of the holocaust. One strategy that I would like to include in the future is the more choices strategy. Students would be provided with different learning opportunities. This concept would reflect more of the knowledge and interest of the individual.
I try to make my assignments and what we do each day as meaningful as possible. Yesterday we did a squiggle and this became their 3 min writing for the week. We also do as much hands on work as possible. As far as paper and pencil goes I do not have that hard of a time with completion but when I do the students do not earn extra recess or center time until their work is done. I assign little HW mainly b/c it does not always come back and a lot of my parents work nights. When HW is assigned I give a few days for them to finish it. I want everything I do to tie into other things and I also want students to build on new work with previous work. I would say this happens 95% of the time.
When I walk in the door each morning I let whatever happened between the time I left the day before and that morning leave me as best I can. I have found that if I am grumpy my kids ask me what is wrong and they then become grumpy. I also found that giving them snack, a hug, and asking about what they do and like makes them more engaged. My kids know that I am their number one ally here at school even when things are rough but I will also be there biggest foe if they do not give me what I feel is there best even with harder challenges in life and academically.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
I am interested in the comments made by Robert Marzano (p. 114) about giving students your BEST (Belief, Encouragement, Support, Time). All of the students I am working with are struggling readers. I know that some of them are self-conscious about their difficulties with reading. I try every day to build each of them up. I point out things that they are doing well, and help them work on things that they are having problems with. I make sure that each of my students get multiple opportunities to answer questions. I expect all of them to work and participate in our groups. If any of them have difficulty with something we are working on, I may have another student help them with the answer, but I always come back to that student later in the lesson to review.
I have some strategies that I would like to try very soon with my reading groups. First, I will write a letter for myself to envision what I would like to have accomplished throughout this year. Then I would like to have my students write vision letters to imagine what the school year has been like for them. I think this will be a very positive goal-setting experience for all of us. I know that it will take quite a bit of support since almost half of my students are in the first grade, but I think that even at six years old, these students have goals they would like to accomplish. Writing the goals down should make students more likely to focus on achieving those goals.
I would also like to utilize the RAFT strategy. We have reading programs that we use, but I think that this could be incorporated into the writing portion. Giving struggling readers and writers a specific purpose and audience should help them narrow their focus. If students practice writing this way, hopefully they can transfer the skills they learn to other writing assignments.
I wish I had heard of the Guide-O-Rama when I was a classroom teacher because I think it is such a fantastic idea. I still plan to use it in my small reading groups. My students can really benefit from the modeling of the thought processes. I like the fact that you can take readers through a selection step by step, while giving them some independence. It is a great way to encourage metacognition. I am excited about the ideas I have gotten from this book. I think that I can take these and really make a difference with my students.
Final Blog
Second Question -- I found it very interesting what Ms. Blackburn says on p. 121 about "requiring students to complete something means you also provide a sturcture and support to ensure they finish" and "allowing students to take a zero reflects lower expectations." While I agree with what she says, I have such a hard time implementing it. I try to only assign work that I feel is necessary and valuable; therefore, I really want the work to be completed. However, when students do not complete their work, I have a hard time finding the opportunity to 'make' them get the work done. I wish there was a time in our day where we could require students to work on missed work, yet not have to delay other students' learning to wait on them to catch up.
Final Blog
I'm going to relate this concept specifically to writing.We are TCAP assessed in fifth grade, and when the time comes, I want my students to feel confident and excited to write their narratives. I use the six trait model to drive my instruction. I never put a letter grade on a writing assignment. We focus on one trait at a time, and when I review their final draft, I write comments specific to that trait.For example, when we studied word choice, I underlined examples of vivid words and praised them for using "quality" words. I would consider myself at level three, which emphasizes evidence gathering to make adjustments. I keep all of my students monthly writing samples in a folder, and we review them both individually and as a group. I have asked for permission from students to share his or her work with the rest of the class, and they are so proud to do so! For me, writing is such a personal experience, and placing a letter grade on it at this level does not feel right. However, I do know that those who have mastered a skill should be recognized, and I use the scale of S or E to evaluate. On page 132, the author discusses using a check or check plus system, so I feel that I'm on the right track.
Graphic organizer pg. 142
I agree with the concept that students need to be given an opportunity to correct their mistakes, especially in math. I offer half credit for each corrected answer on my weekly math test. I give the students the chance to do this in class because I feel it is so important to get their thinking on the right path, instead of making the same mistakes over and over. I like the form on page 142, but it is too involved for me. Currently, I have the students do their "fix up" on a separate sheet of paper, and attach it to the test. I intend to make an overhead of the seven reasons listed on page 142, and require students to write the reason next to their new answer.This step will make them think about their thinking!
"It's Your Turn of p. 126: How do you want to change the culture in your room?What do you want out of your class (words such as "can't")? What do you want in your class?
I definitely related to these questions because my school is currently in the process of changing our culture as a whole and in each classroom. We are utilizing the case studies and philosophy of The Power of ICU by Danny Hill to help transform our culture. In short, we will no longer support an environment that allows students to say, "I can't" or "I forgot". The focus is on student learning and growth and not allowing students to continuously take the easy way out by earning zeros for assignments. Our administration has organized this well for our staff so that it is not cumbersome, and I have already seen an impact on some students within this first 9 weeks. Students are asked to complete the incomplete or missing work during various times of the day, and I have heard several students comment on the fact that they know we believe in their ability to do their best and will provide support for that to happen. We have stressed to our students that learning is the priority. Testing re-takes for students with failing test grades are also given during these times. Our assistant principal has even been completing study guides and working with some of these students failing tests to prepare them for the re-take. I definitely can't go into the whole premise or plan here, but it was certainly a challenge at first for all of us teachers to not focus on "the way we've always done things" or "deadlines" and focus on student learning being the primary focus.
Relating to this issue is also the discussion of assignments (p. 121) in Chapter 7. I do agree that we are sending a message to our students through the type of work we assign. Students can see the value of an assignment and respond accordingly. "If something is important enough for you to assign it, then it should be important enough for a student to complete it." That is a very valid point, and we also have to provide the structure and support to ensure they finish. The above reference to the ICU Program certainly has changed my actions and views in this area as well. Students will basically perform to the level that I communicate through my expectations (verbal and non-verbal). So, if I do not value their completed work and care enough to assign relevant, valid assignments, then some of my students will reflect that notion.
Week 2 Response
Keeping students engaged is certainly not always an easy task, but it is an essential element to in-depth, active learning. I try to do this in several ways. First, I structure my lessons in chunks of teaching, partner/group activity, teaching, active engagement/practice, and closure. I also find that by having a well-planned working group activity that covers several curriculum standards at the end of a unit or subject really does give me a very good alternative assessment opportunity that I use in addition to classroom tests. Just observing students while working and seeing the final products of their work provide a solid testament to their understanding, and the students are also able to review these concepts while being actively engaged for further cementing of the material. Partner teaching also seems to engage my students well. I use games, projects, and student choice of assignment. This is the first year that I have allowed students to choose from a list of options, and I have been very surprised at their willingness to complete the task since they chose.
- The author refers to Robert Marzano's The Art and Science of Teaching in Chapter 7, when she talks about teacher expectations. She encourages us to give our students our BEST: belief, encouragement, support, and time. Discuss ways you give your students your best.
- Ms. Blackburn continues in Chapter 7 to discuss assignments (p. 121). She states, If something is important enough for you to assign it, then it should be important enough for a student to complete it. Let me clarify a key point. This is not just about the student's responsibility. You play a major role in his or her success. (Emphasis added.) First, it means we design assignments that are valuable, not just busy work. In addition to helping students understand the value of the work, we hold them responsible for completion. ...but requiring students to complete something means you also provide a structure and support to ensure they finish. What is your opinion of Ms. Blackburn's statements? Please justify.
- From the It's Your Turn on p. 126: How do you want to change the culture in your room? What do you want out of your class (words such as 'can't')? What do you want in your class ('quotes, etc.')?
- If you were to use Popham's Levels (p. 131) to describe formative assessment in your classroom, at which level do you find yourself? What steps will you be required to take to increase rigor through the use of formative assessments to drive instructional decisions in your classroom?
- Refer to the graphic organizer on page 142. First, share your opinion about using a graphic organizer such as this to help students gauge their own learning. Then, explain how you might need to modify the example to make it work with your students.
- It's Your Turn (p. 148): Review the strategies in chapters 4 through 8. Pick three specific ideas you would like to try in the next three weeks. Make those your top priority. Now list any other specific activities you want to use later.
- The author offers three suggestions for working alongside teachers who do not support your efforts to increase rigor in your curriculum and in your classroom: First, try to keep a lower profile. ...Next, seek out other teachers with similar beliefs. ...Finally, remember your focus. (p. 152) How much resistance do you anticipate from your colleagues? What actions are you prepared to take in order to prevent yourself from surrendering to mediocrity?
Monday, September 28, 2009
Week 2
The first thing that I do is look at a KWL chart and then we discuss what we know about a particular subject. For example in LA we know about puncuation and capitilization but we may want to know what specifically has to be capitalized and the appropriate puncuation. One game I have played is human sentences where the kids will make a statement and then someone else will respond with the appropriate end puncuation. Another idea is that you can write sentences on white boards and match up with the person who has the right end puncuation.
I also break steps down and have students repeat what was said to them back to me and then to each other. We also play a lot of board games to go with what we are studying, hullabaloo has been a favorite and helps with our listening skills and social skills.
4) What are some specific, intentional steps you take to promote student engagement?
Asking them open ended questions that they must give me more then a yes/no answer to, having them greet each other in the morning, giving younger ones harder work so that the older ones will want to help them and the younger ones feel more challenged. Acting as if I do not know the answer to a ? that I know they will know or saying a word wrong (this can backfire)
Week 2
I explained that each lesson is cumulative as well as the tests. I want students to know the material for a lifetime not just for a test. Vocabulary is meant to build and also for them to know the works weeks, months, and years later. I think we have allowed students to become more and more complacent in regards to academics. Parents will drive across town, stay up late, pay all kinds of money, and all kinds of time for athletics and then expect
students to master academics without practice.
Scaffolding is a term that good teachers have used for many years. We didn't call it that but we used it. When I am teaching a new skill I go back to this systematic way I learned which included this technique. We didn't call it that.
We work together to have students feel successful. After this technique I tend to use games to reinforce the material. The students love to play games. They enjoy winning. They know that on Thursdays we will play some type of vocabulary game. Bingo, Around the World, jeapordy, and many others. For the vocabulary they must know the words in order to be successful. I find they are willing to put more effort in the vocabulary in order to win the game.
September 28, 2009 8:24 AM
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Week 2
I use many games in my class. I have and do use Jeopardy on occassion. I bought "Eggspert" a couple of years ago which adds to the authenticity of the game requiring them to buzz in. Everyone gets a chance come up to the podium and compete against members of other teams. If the first person who buzzes in and does not get the answer correct, they loose points and the others are given a chance to buzz in allowing more think time for those that need it.
I use "Who Has" frequently for review. This is similar to the domino concept. Each student gets a card with a word on one side and a detail or quesiton on the other. The student with the "start" card goes first reading thier question or detail. The student with the correct answer will say they have it, stand and read their question or detail until we reach the "stop" sign. I time them, and we do it several times to try to beat our old time. Everyone must be engaged and listenting for their question to be read. Even those who have already gone are engaged because they want to try to remember what word goes with which question in case they get that card the next time. They are also very well behaved because they do not want to distract their classmates since the whole class is on the same team.
I also use FROG games, Apples to Apples, Mad Libs, Logic Links, and many other games to try to present the information in an engaging way.
I use white boards on a daily basis to actively engage my whole class and it is a wonderful way for me to assess immediately who is mastering the skill and who needs more practice. As each student demonstrates mastery on a skill, I have enrichment activities prepared for them to do as I continue working with those that need more practice. I can also use this to modify my plans and determine what I do in small groups.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Week 2
What strategies do you use to teach the academic vocabulary: I take academic vocabulary and use it on a weekly basis in multiple ways. Students use new vocabulary terms and previously vocabulary terms in a center. The students are required to complete a word web which includes the term, definition, synonym/antonym if applicable, and then use the word in a sentence. In addition, there are activities to complete at this center: abc order of terms, using a choice of 5 to write sentences and or paragraphs that demonstrate the meaning of the terms and flash cards for partner study and review. Also, I incorporate the terms in my daily dialogue with my students whether in whole group instruction or small group work. Further, students use the terms in journal entries which demonstrates [to me] their comprehension of the terms/concepts.
How do you use scaffolding to support your students' learning? When introducing a new concept, I begin with whole group class instruction through a mini lesson. We work with the concept/skill for a day and then I assign some type of classwork of 5-10 problems to assess where they are in their mastery/understanding. This assessment might simply be teacher observation through whole group work or observing their work on a dry erase board as I walk around the class. It isn't a graded piece of work, simply to a quick assessment to see where each student stands. I then begin small group work where students receive instruction and support at their current learning level/ability. This instruction is adjusted daily as ability/understanding increases. This also allows me to challenge the students who are ready to move on. This instruction continues even though I have moved on to the next concept. This allows the student to become more self confident in areas where they need it the most and also helps with retention of information.
Use of games: I use games on a weekly basis for all subject areas. These games might be Versatile reviews, FROG games, Quizmo or Take it to your Seat games. The students love playing them and don't realize their are learning because they are having fun. The even ask to play these games if we have inside recess. Versatiles offer a different avenue to engage students in a review and they are self checking. FROG games also accomplish the same goal. I have two different levels of FROG games which allows all students to participate . They are working together to find answers and help each other find answers. Students are collaborating and using their vocabulary which sometimes gets the point/skill across quicker. Students are fully engaged as they discuss questions/concepts/skills that are being utilized. I also create Jeopardy type questions to play with my class prior to a test. This is a great way to review which allows me to observe their readiness for a test without having them complete a pencil and paper quiz.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Week 2
For the academic vocabulary terms, I generally define the term and offer examples. I ask students to look for other examples in the texts we are reading. For example, when we studied King's "I Have a Dream" speech as an example of persuasive literature, I asked them to highlight examples of antithesis, parallelism, repetition, metaphor, simile, etc. Jacque Scarbrough sent some good ideas for teaching academic vocabulary. I especially like the "Word Wall."
The dry erase board/paddle idea also appeals to me especially for review activity.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Student Engagement and modeling
I have been working quite a bit on modeling the thought process when discussing what students have read. One little girl in particular has a problem with rambling answers that don't show an understanding of the question that was asked. I have modeled concise answers and non-answers to help her see the difference. Then I have the group practice answering questions about what they have read. Yesterday, when asked about the story we had just read, she summarized it in one clear sentence. I felt like we were actually on the right track! Modeling can really help students see things in a different way.
Week 2 response
Week 2- Chunking the Task
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Week 2
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Week 2
The first time I played it this year in an inclusion class, an autistic student that normally wants to be left alone got right in the middle of the group and participated just like everyone else. My assistant and I looked at each other amazed at how he became a part of the team. It was great!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Week Two
I also do many different math activities using foods, such as teddy grahams, gold fish crackers, etc. We add, subtract, and pattern with these different snacks. I find that it holds the students interests as well as making it a fun way to learn.
I have noticed that over the years of my teaching career, that it is much harder to hold a students interest in todays's society. If you can make learning fun and also engage the students as much as possible in the lessons, it helps the students. I like to teach with a lot of hands on activities.
Reading for Independence
Another item I liked in this part was on pg 50 where the girl stopped the author in the hall to discuss that they reviewed way to much. When I taught HS and pulled out the biology book my kids hated it becuase they had the same text the last two years (Spec Ed grades 11-12 with a few freshman) so I changed and taught Marine Biology. We did the normal stuff plus dissection and my kids loved it.
I find challenge is a good thing even in our own lives and the more we challenge them the more it challenges us.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Week 2 Response
Modeling is a teaching strategy I feel I use constantly. Many times I tell my students to pretend I am a student just like them. I sit at a desk and model for them what I want them to do. For example, I walk over to various areas of the room and turn assignments into the correct places. At the beginning of the year, I model for them what to do when they get to school in the morning. I do a lot of modeling in my whole-group and small-group reading lessons as well. While reading a book or story aloud to my students, I tell them to "spy on me" and I use self-monitoring strategies or use context-clues to figure out the meaning of vocabulary. Recently I have been modeling decoding strategies in reading groups by using a "guess the covered word" strategy. I am now noticing my students using that strategy while reading.
week 2 response
I also like to incorporate games with vocabulary study. As a TCAP review, we play a form of charades using Marzano's word lists.I organize the class into two teams, and alternate between acting and guessing. I have found it helps to write the word list on the board for those who need extra support. My ERC students participated last year and did a great job!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
p42. Valuing Depth
Week 2: Games, Engaging Learners, Vocabulary
I try to use games at times in the classroom, especially for certain concepts. One unit in 8th Grade Social Studies is European Exploration. I have my students divide into groups and they create a board game on the travels of various explorers. The games must be historically accurate, and they utilize various resources (mainly Internet) to research obstacles that the explorers faced on their journeys. It is amazing to see their creativity in the board games, but even more important is seeing the application of knowledge they have taught themselves and they don’t even realize it!
Another ‘game’ I like to use that is useful for teaching vocabulary is playing a memory game. Usually, I split my class into two groups (desks in a circle around the game on the floor) and have a competition between the two groups. I put words and definitions on pieces of construction paper and turn them facedown in the floor. Students then go around in a circle flipping over cards with either terms or definitions on them. As the game goes on, students must remember the location of the words, but must also know the definition to get the match and earn points. It is simple, takes very little preparation and it is easy to manage. Plus, the competition adds a little more excitement to a basic game.
Engaging students in American history is not always the easiest task due to all the facts to which they should be exposed, but there are a few things I intentionally do in order to increase student engagement. I try to utilize the Quantum Learning principles: Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic (VAK), in every discussion/lecture I do with my students. For example, when we discuss the Pilgrims crossing the Atlantic on the Mayflower: I utilize a projector to allow students to visualize notes and pictures. Also, we orally discuss as I ‘lecture’ over the story of their crossing the Atlantic. Finally, to conclude the lesson we turn off all the lights and make a rainstorm in the classroom by snapping, then patting their legs, then stomping their feet to simulate the storm that blew the Pilgrims off course. The rainstorm is a little cheesy, but they love it… and usually they go through the rest of the year asking “let’s make it rain like on the Pilgrims.” Success!
The discussion of vocabulary and the ‘trap’ we fall into on Page 71 was very beneficial for me. I have become frustrated with so many teachers around me resorting to the same method week after week to teach vocabulary: flash cards, draw a picture for each word, write definition five times, write a sentence using the word, etc. While these techniques are useful in moderation, they contribute to the feelings of apathy and pointlessness from our students. “Students are very insightful; if you give them busy work, they immediately recognize it for what it is.” (Pg. 31)
Friday, September 18, 2009
Week 1
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Week Two Assignment September 17, 2009
Covering Information
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Page 30 and the Success Cycle
My students strive to do the work of their non-disabled peers and actually want to be challenged above and beyond what they are able to do. I feel that the more they are willing to work and reach a higher level of achievement the more they will move towards inclusion and regular classes FT. I give them my full support whether they get the answer right or wrong and also encourage them if it is wrong to look at it a different way to try and get the right answer.
Week 1
In response to the "It's Your Turn" application on pg. 42, I do feel as though I have to carefully watch not to get caught up in the amount of standards and just cover information without valuing depth and the quality of learning. I fear that sometimes the amount of information that is covered in each grade level via the standards is causing our students to be "jacks of all trades and masters of none" unless the quality and depth of learning are present as well. I would also like to comment on the thoughts presented on pg. 31 of the text. The type of work and rigor that we set forth for our students communicates respect and value for them. Students do recognize non-valuable work for what it is, and they often respond to that level. However, authentic, high level work that is engaging will reflect our belief in their ability. In turn, the students will respond to that level.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Week One - pg. 34
I also agree with another individual who wrote that they would like to improve on the questions that they ask during a lesson. I also would like to work on my questions to ensure that they are directly related to the lesson and also that they make my students think more logically. I enjoyed reviewing Ciardiellos's model on page 23.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Week 1
Sunday, September 13, 2009
pg.34 derricash
One of the areas I would like to improve in is asking better questions. I thought Ciardiellos's model on page 23 was succinct and useful. I don't want to rely on using memory questions, and could use some guidance.Hopefully, the book will give some concrete examples in the chapters to come.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Sept. 11
I am looking forward to reading about pragmatic ways to incorporate some of Ms. Blackburn's ideas into what I am currently doing. I was relieved to read that teachers can make use of the new ideas without scrapping everything we're doing. I am also curious as to how much she will discuss vertical alignment since my department is focusing on that currently.
One key factor that struck me is how students who go into the work force need "Rigor" as much as the college bound.
The characteristics of good questioning will be very helpful to me personally. I feel I am already using many of them. Good stuff.
Ms. Blackburn states that sole responsibility for success or failure of our graduates cannot fall on high schools. I do think, however, that the general population would hold high schools most accountable.
Rigor Week 1
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Chapter 1 Rigor
I was also struck by the author's comment that rigor is doing more with less, not necessarily assigning more work.